16 V Feature African
World Premiere African Premiere SA Premiere

Screenings โ€“ CT
Screenings โ€“ JHB

Official-Poster_Samar Poster
Film Poster

Set between Cairo and Dubai, Samarโ€ฆBefore the Final Picture explores a story of resilience and healing through Samar, a victim of an acid attack who devotes herself to helping another woman who has suffered the same fate. Over five years, Samar, who was violently assaulted by her ex-partner, assists Sanaa as she undergoes treatment and reconstructive surgery for her wounds. By recounting their shared experiences, the women explore the physical, psychological, emotional, and economic burdens placed on them as a result of the attacks they suffered. Samarโ€ฆBefore the Final Picture examines the implications of a patriarchal society and violence towards women by drawing on the vulnerable personal stories and relationships within the film. The film portrays a beautiful and strong perception of womanhood, self-acceptance and healing, while assessing how justice and support is offered to victims.

A Rough Cut Lab Africa alumnus.