7-9PG V Feature African
World Premiere African Premiere SA Premiere

Screenings โ€“ CT
Sunshine Cinema Fri 21 June 2pm
Labia Fri 21 June 6.30pm + Q&A
Sunshine Cinema Sat 22 June 10am
Labia Sun 30 June 5.30pm BEST OF FEST

Official-Poster_Wild-Coast-Warriors Poster
Film Poster

Wild Coast Warriors explores the fight against the establishment of oil exploration operations by the Shell corporation in the Wild Coast in an effort to prevent the irreversible destruction of the environment and surrounding communities. Centred primarily around Shell’s seismic survey mapping of the coastline, the film follows the unfolding of the case against Shell to prevent further exploration and oil rigging in the Wild Coast. Through a mix of interviews with prominent figures in the cause, as well as archives drawn from television and newspapers, the extent of the environmental, social, and economic implications are unearthed. Wild Coast Warriors goes beyond the surface of the case, exploring the interconnected rights of indigenous communities, customary law, and conservation in the face of foreign interests, corruption, and exploitation.


Co-Director: Nick Chevallier

Impact Producer: Thihangwi Ramutsindela


Completely inspired that a small community could stand up to such huge giants and win… I think it sets a precedent for anything like this in the future!
— Roxane Holman
Wild Coast Warriors is the right film at the right time, telling the story of a David v Goliath battle on an almost unimaginable scale of extremes. Shrink David down to the minute proportions, to a small rural community on a small piece of land at the bottom of the African continent and thereโ€™s no need for imagination for the next bit: swop Goliath for oil giant Shell.
— Lisa Henry (Director of The Jozie Film Festival)
A heartfelt, impactful film of how a small community with hope and courage can take on the Giants of the World and bring them to their knees.
— Liesel James
This is a textured and nuanced film, which sensitively foregrounds and contrasts the complex socio-cultural dimensions and ecological impacts as against a glib economic development narrative.
— Candice Steele
Wild Coast Warriors brought me to tears, from the magical cinematography to the masterful way it told a story every South African should know about.
— Anna James