Sara Chitambo-Hatira


Sara Chitambo-Hatira is an accomplished filmmaker based in Johannesburg, renowned for her expertise in crafting emotionally resonant and authentic narratives. With a Master’s Degree in digital Documentary from Sussex University, Sara brings a deep understanding of storytelling techniques and creativity to her role as director of this project which is also her feature debut. Her television experience includes award-winning productions such as “Intersexions” and “MTV Shuga,” which have garnered critical acclaim for their impactful storytelling and social relevance. Her passion for exploring pressing social issues is evident in her work, as she strives to highlight topics such as mental health and climate justice in Africa. Her dedication to authenticity and her mastery of the craft of storytelling ensure that the documentary will resonate deeply with audiences while effectively conveying the experiences and authentic perspectives of our protagonists. Now that this film is complete, she is fundraising for another documentary on climate justice in Namibia demonstrating her commitment to using film as a tool for social change and advocacy.